We’re making open source software to collaborate on code. It started as ‘run your own GitHub’ that most users deploy on their own server(s). GitLab allows you to version control code including pull/merge requests, forking and public projects. It also includes project wiki’s and an issue tracker. Over 100k organizations use it including thousands of programmers at
The Netherlands, Ukraine (with employees in San Francisco), we don't know yet where will be based after YC
We created GitLab together () and now over 100.000 organizations are using it. We also created GitLab CI and GitLab CI Runner together . This pair of programs allow organizations to distribute their code testing over a number of workers.
In 2011 Dmitriy started GitLab. We met in 2012 via email when Sytse started building In 2013 we formally started a company together and went on team trips a few times since than.
Over 100.000 organizations are using GitLab.
Since 2011, over 10,000 commits, see
We have not applied to or participated any others.
Dmitriy wanted a solution he could use at his previous job. All employees except our account managers (8-2=6) are software developers. We listen closely to the community via direct customer feedback, pull/merge requests, issues, twitter, mailinglists, chatrooms and the non GitLab B.V. employees on the GitLab core team.
We offer the a better way of collaborating on digital products ( the feature branch workflow) to organizations that prefer to work on open source tools. Open source is interesting for large companies because they can inspect and modify the code. They also can and do contribute back changes that are important to them. Substitutes are closed source alternatives (GitHub Enterprise, Atlassian Stash) or less functional open source alternatives (Gitorious, Gogs). GitHub currently has a lot of mind-share but they are under- serving the on-premises (behind the firewall) market. We can see us grow into the leading solution for those installations (which is currently the majority of the market). In the long run most software will live on some (hybrid-)cloud and we think there are many ways to differentiate our offering (open source/distributed/integrated). In the short term we are emulating the Netflix strategy, shipping DVD’s (focus on the on-premise installations) when the competitors focus on the video-on-demand (SaaS) offering.
GitHub Enterprise and Atlassian Stash are our primary competitors. We fear Atlassian Stash most since the GitHub Enterprise offering is weak (black box VM that doesn’t scale or cluster) and overpriced (4x more expensive than Stash or our standard subscription). We compete with Stash on usability, integration (no need to install Jira and Confluence separately), flexibility (you can inspect and adapt the source) and price.
An open source development process allows you to market your product for free. It also allows a good product market fit at a low cost. We believe that version control is infrastructure software and that open source is the natural model for this kind of software . But to create and grow a competitive open source offering you need to have a proprietary commercial version to generate scalable revenue, support income alone is not enough.
Mostly by selling subscriptions that entitle our customers to support and our proprietary GitLab Enterprise Edition. Our most sold subscription by revenue costs $49 per user per year. Most or our revenue comes from organizations with more than 100 paying users. Every company with a substantial number of developers needs software like ours. We already declined an acquisition offer from a competitor for $10M because we want to grow this into a large company.
Currently we get users through word of mouth (amplified by twitter). During our time at YC we would like to grow our marketing, our continuous integration product GitLab CI and our SaaS ( currently has only 15k monthly active users but we see a lot of possibilities to grow and differentiate it.
Before GitLab Sytse has build recreational manned submarines from scratch, the company he started is currently the largest producer of them in the world and is called U-Boat Worx